Sometimes I am taken over by an overwhelming need to run. Not run like "go for a run", but run like "get me out of here" run. This morning in yet another routine staff meeting where we are bombarded with pointless gibber jabber, it hit me. My brain and spirit were married in brilliant collaboration and came up with a plan. "Get up and get out of here!" they said to my body, "Run!!!"
There are legends of Durham Public Schools teachers going crazy in one fashion or another. One of my favorite stories tells of a veteran teacher at a neighboring school who, during a bout of teacherly frustration, stripped down naked, jumped out the window of her classroom (I am assuming it was a 1st story room) and ran down Hillandale Road never to be seen again.
Various other stories merely detail a teacher "losing it" in front of his or her students, maybe throwing a chair or slamming their fist down in anger. Either way, it is not completely uncommon for a teacher to experience some form of lunacy and act upon it.
I thought to myself about this. I could get up and run out busting through the school walls. Would the shape of my body be left in the brick, as I charged down Duke Street? Would others follow? I could justify my insanity by saying "At least I didn't strip down naked, and at least no students saw me".
My body was sitting and stewing in its own itch to escape, and suddenly the meeting was over; plain old good judgment began to wash over me. So no, I didn't run away this time. But at least I had something entertaining to think about to get me through the morning meeting.
Perhaps next time...
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