Tuesday, March 9, 2010

stonecutters made them from stone...

So, I'm going to be a little bit musicy for a minute. In an effort not to pigeon hole myself into any blogging pigeon holes, I will write about food, music, clothes, myself and other stuff too. So, today I write about music.

My flavor of the month is Midlake. Yes, I don't really know what to say other than...it's good. You should totally listen to it. All of it. If they come to you, listen, live.

To the tune of these tunes (The album being "The Trials of Vanoccupanther") I've done amazing things! I've co-choreographed award winning contemporary dance routines with Mia Michaels, I've written a sequel to Cormac McCarthy's The Road (now a major motion picture, with soundtrack arranged by yours truly), and I've created an entire life size puppet show utilizing various forms of media.

I know, right?

Its been a long time since an album has completely and totally inspired me in some way, and this one does it. MMM...it just does it. I think this is what they mean when they talk about getting the creative juices flowing....whoever "they" is. So, thank you to Midlake and to my brain and soul for having a collective meeting of the minds. Now, if I could only get inspired to do real things.

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