Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oh what a tangled web we weave...

What's the deal with lying? Well, I think there are two types of lies- serious lies and jovial lies. I like the jovial lies. Not the sinister deceitful kind, but the tricking people kind. Are the jovial lies even lies or are they just tricks?

Why is it so fun to tell people things that aren't true in an effort to trick them?

I think for me, the fun thing is the reaction you get from people. The example that comes to mind is from my favorite trick of all tricks. It could be classified as the "made you look" trick.
Here's how it goes:

You and I are out to dinner and we are waiting for the third friend to arrive. I say "Oh, look, there she is!" You turn around, and she's not there! Laughter (from me) ensues. Time passes, we drink, we chat; you've forgotten about the trick. This time I say "Oh, look, ha ha, really this time, there she is!" She's not there. You hate me.*

It's too funny. Am I immature? Am I evil? I don't usually laugh at the expense of others, but...well, this makes me laugh.

More on real lying later...once I figure out why we as humans feel the need to deceive one another and ourselves.

*This trick is most effective on people with Type A personalities- it really gets them going.

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