Friday, October 15, 2010

On Reading...

What is it so hard to get kids to enjoy reading? Why do so many adults still hate reading because it was forced upon them during their school years? Is it our fast paced, technology addicted society that forces us to boredom if we can't drive, text, listen to music, play video games, and read the news all at the same time?

There must still be value in reading a book right?

I know it took me years and years to appreciate reading. There was nothing anyone could do to force it upon me. Truly, it took me reaching a certain level of maturity and the right book to get me on the reading train. When I think about this, it makes me cringe to think that I have to try to inspire kids to want to read, when I know it may take many of them a decade or more to realize it for themselves.

I suppose all I can do is express my love for reading and story, in hopes that they will get some of it through osmosis.

And, maybe show them some cartoon super hero reading posters?



  2. When I was a child, it was Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys that made me love books. I tried to pass this along to you with favorites like Ferdinand and Blueberries For Sal. But you are right - it is hard - I had to invent things like Mama Genius Points to get you to read over the summer. You CAN inspire your students and make a difference and it is wonderful that you want to.
