Sunday, October 17, 2010

I am a failure?

So, today I took the GRE*. I completely and totally bombed it. My self-esteem is crushed and I have begun to question many things about my life goals. Am I stupid to think I am even capable of furthering my education in a more rigorous setting? Am I doomed to be a person who just doesn't do well on standardized tests? Am I slow? Will I have to spend another 120$ to take it again?

And then I started thinking. It's a shame that a test can make a person feel this way. And, now I know how my students feel. Brought to the United States by their families in hopes of finding refuge and a better life, these children are now charged with the task of succeeding in a system that was not made for them. I see my students struggle on these tests and I see them fail.

So, for my students, I will pick my self up, scrape my ego of the pavement and move onward.

*The Graduate Records Examination, which is actually a racket as I have discovered. Statistics say that most people end up taking the test 2-3 times to achieve scores worthy of the school of their choice. Intermittently, they are forced to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on retesting, books, classes, seminars, etc... Racket. A racket.

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