Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The sun'll come out...

The sun does in fact shine in Oregon, and thank goodness it does because we were feeling pretty defeated after our race on Sunday. There's no telling why, but for some reason this race was tough. Maybe we didn't eat well, maybe we didn't rest enough, maybe our bodies were thrown off by the West Coast time change and general different, yet superior, rhythm. Who knows!? We did ok, though. We both set personal records by beating our previous times by 5 minutes, but at what cost you ask? Sheer misery in the last 8-10 miles of the race. I kid you not, I was near tears between miles 21-26, only thinking of how I could just stop, get off the course and go face plant somewhere. The only thing that kept me going was the notion that even if I did stop, I'd be trapped on a random street in Portland 6 miles from the finish, and I'd have to get there somehow so I might as well run there. Jason spent about 20
minutes in the first aid tent at the finish, where a saintly man by the name of Doug restored him to somewhat homeostasis.
All in all it was ok, I suppose. But we weren't feeling like rock stars.
So, we went here

And drowned our sorrows in famous doughnuts!

Not so bad after all.

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