Friday, October 14, 2011

A benefit

Today we are heading to Baltimore to spectate the Baltimore marathon in support of our great pals Kurt and Alex. I'm really looking forward to this, as I feel certain that the benefits of spectating a marathon will be amplified due to the fact that we are only a week past our marathon. The pain, the drudgery, the thirst, the intensity and overall insanity of it all is still fresh and will unequivocally fuel our cheers and reinforce the relief that it is over. At least for a little while.

When running a marathon, your supporters can really be a motivating factor and the difference between feeling a hellish mile or soldiering through it. Warm heartfelt messages, funny quips, cool outfits, and young hot hipster dads with steaming cups of coffee can all give you a little extra push when you are feeling like you might walk off the course. I'm plotting the ultimate sign attack that will simultaneously crack people up while deeply motivating them to power through. Here are some of my favorite ideas:

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