Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow Days

A few weeks ago, we had 3 consecutive snow days followed by a 2 hour delay. That's a lot for NC. I mean, a lot. Everything shut down for a minute. We were "snowed in". Literally. My car was stuck at the bottom of the driveway and it was awesome! We drank wine, watched movies, cuddled, made vegetarian chili in the crock pot, we even had an impromptu dance party. And, despite what most people say about eventually getting tired of being in the house and wanting to get out or being worried about eventually having to make the days up, blah blah blah, cabin fever never set in for me.

But, as with all things good, it had to come to an end. The snow melted and we all had to go back to doing normal things like, I don't know, work.

It's just not fair! Why do I have to go to work?!

Now, all I can think about are snow days. If there is a slight chill in the air or talk of any kind of precipitation, I'm lusting for snow days. Oh, that feeling of excitement, the spontaneity of all things being cancelled.

Now, I'm going to go check the weather channel...
A girl can dream, right?

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