Saturday, July 7, 2012

"I'm never drinking again"

Ah, those faithful words we utter on the morning after we have a little too much to drink. Why do we say this? Seriously, we know we will not never drink again. Perhaps we'll even be having a little cocktail later that very evening. But, somehow saying this seems to right the wrongs we committed to our poor unsuspecting bodies.

When you're about to turn 30, the instances of uttering these words become few and far between. Long gone are the days of drinking to get drunk: college keg parties and binge drinking vanilla vodka with your roommates. No, these over-indulgent near alcoholic pastimes get traded in for after work pints that go a little to far or dinner parties where the conversation is too good and the wine bottles seem to have no end. How can these sparse and seemingly harmless instances feel so much harder on the body than the hardcore college throw downs? Brain-crushing hangovers from a few glasses of wine and stomach issues reminiscent of that time you had ebola from a mere 3 beers. I guess you aren't as tough as you used to be. And somehow, your poor body hangs on for dear life though it's recovery processes aren't as spry as they used to be. Maybe those empty promises of never drinking again are the body's way of sending the brain a message please brain, never let this person imbibe alcohol again or at least give them the intelligence of maturity to realize that I can't keep up like I used to.

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