Saturday, July 14, 2012

Days gone by...

How could you let an entire week go by without blogging, you terrible horrible blogger you?!

Well, what had happened was a surprise Sunday birthday jaunt to the lake with friends.  A surprise Birthday visit from Kurt, Alex and Charlotte, followed by one of the toughest weeks of teaching (it was summer camp, but hey) of my life.

Great group of friends gathers to celebrate

very in depth conversation

too cute

dudes from above

those are not doritoes

so stoic


enjoying the rays and water

a lake mermaid

lake dancing

delicious strawberry cake: "Make it strawberry as shit!"
So, that was a great Sunday!

Then, the week approaches and I know I'm teaching summer camp.  Ok.  No problemo.  Wrong!  How to explain it properly without giving myself brain trauma?  Well, lets just say that I had some VERY difficult kids all day, everyday this week.  It truly tested me and just reinforced the fact that I am making the right decision by getting out of teaching.  Thank goodness that's over.  And somewhere in between getting scissors thrown at me and chasing around a bunch of little pants pee-ers, I turned 30.  Doesn't really feel like anything...yet.


  1. Oh my gosh! Did you have a little mouthy Asian boy (whose name I won't list here for confidentiality reasons)?! He spat markers at me.

  2. Ha! Yes! I had him AND another horrible little boy. It was a nightmare! And what can you do in a week with these punks?
