Saturday, April 7, 2012


It's day 15 of my 60 day Bikram yoga challenge. I still feel great, and now that I've made it over the initial "oh my god i have to do this every single day for the next two months" first quarter hump I am ready to set some goals. My first goal is to just focus on my breathing for the next week. If you've ever been to Bikram yoga, you know a large portion of the class is spent looking at yourself in the mirror. This can be a little dicey and it's like kryptonite for those of us who tend to be a little self obsessed (and who isn't, really?). One could spend a lot of time judging oneself in the mirror, comparing and competing with others in the room. All this looking and assessing has a tendency to draw ones focus away from the task at hand: breathing, being in the posture. I want to try to work on this aspect of my practice. I know the postures, I feel good about them, and as long as I am hydrated and well rested, there's no reason why I should need to focus on anything else at this point.

In. Out. In. Out. Just Breathe.

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