Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Words of wisdom

During my weekly yoga class with Ti, he always dispenses some little nuggets of wisdom. Just a little something to focus on, to think about, during the practice. Often times we get into some pretty interesting philosophical conversations, all while practicing our poses. What could be better than that?!

So, last night's words especially hit home with me, they were:

"True happiness in life depends upon relaxation, not tension".

This is another one of those wise morsels of truth that of course applies to yoga and to life.

I like it because I like to relax. But more importantly, this does not mean that we can all achieve happiness in life by sitting on the couch eating Doritos. It actually means that in times of tension (and let's face it, if you work and do other stuff like train for marathons, have kids, or write plays, most of life is a "time of tension") you have to relax into it.

So the take home is to find the relaxation in everything! But don't be lazy!

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