It is the last official day of 2011, and seeing as how when I picked up The Best Non-Required Reading of 2010 the other day and said "Hey, I should read this before 2010 is over", I think I'd better reflect upon the happenings of the past year. Unless you've been living in a time warp like myself, the past year was 2011. I'm going to showcase some of my "bests" of 2011 in an effort to solidify its occurrence and significance in my mind and in the mind of the world.
-My Very First Blogiversary.
For better or for worse, January 2011 marked one year that I have been blogging. It good to know that even though often times I'm saying a whole lot of nothing, at least I am saying.
- I Can Run Faster Than I Thought I Could.
In the winter of 2011, I realized that I can run faster than a 10 minute mile. The past two marathons that I had run were in the fall. Fall marathons are great, but it means that you must train during the hot-Hades NC summers. This means that when most of you were sweating profusely just walking from the house to the car, I was sweating profusely while running 10-20 slow grueling miles on a Saturday morning. Cooler weather=faster runner.
-Snow Days.
I love snow days. End of story. I love the surprise of it. I love the blanket of white that covers everything. And most of all, I love pretending that because I live in Hillsborough, that it's really dangerous for me to drive to school and I should probably just stay home. For safety reasons, of course.
-I got in!
I found out that I got into a PhD program at the University of Oregon. And, thus began the "should we stay or should we go" for the following spring and summer months.
-The 30 Day Bikram Yoga Challenge.
A great month. Changed me. Bikram yoga will forever be a part of my life because of it.
- Going to Oregon.
In October, we went to Portland to run the Portland Marathon. That was an awesome trip in and of itself, but it also marked our official decison to move there!
What better way to celebrate than by patroning Portland's famous grilled cheese bus!?
-The Panzanella Beer Dinners
Life changing? No. But definitely some of the most fun that Jason and I had all summer of 2011. Handcrafted local NC beers paired with delicious local NC farm fare. We had some serious fun at these events. And without fail, each time Jason got tipsy enough to try to solicite the brewery for a job. "If I can sell English literature to high schoolers in Durham everyday, then i can sell your beer!" Good times.
-A Bear in Hillsborough?
It wasn't so much the bear itself, but what it stood for: a bear in your backyard. It can only mean that anything is possible. Or, that the bears are migrating for some kind of ecological reason. But I prefer the former.
And there you have it! Some of my bests of 2011. Just a little morsel to prove to you and yours and me and mine that 2011 wasn't just a hiccup between 2010 amd 2012.
Happy New Year!
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