Thursday, April 22, 2010

On fighting

Why do we fight with people? It always ends up bad, and someone always feels stupid or sad or unappeased or something else. In some strange way fighting seems like its supposed to be cathartic, but what does fighting really do to the relationship between you and the other person*. Like, can a relationship only stand so many fights before its rotten? OR, as so many believe, does fighting mean that you care and ultimately bring the two parties together? OR, is it different for different people? And, why?

Sometimes, it seems like things would be much easier if we could tap into the animalistic sides of ourselves and just go at it!

Also, our styles of fighting are different depending upon with whom we are fighting. Is this because certain relationships have more at stake? If I scream really loud, does that mean that I care more? If I try to stay calm, do I care less?

And, why is it so damn hard to say "I'm sorry"? "I'm sorry" is the magic pill for ending a conflict. But, alas, saying sorry means being wrong or putting yourself in the vulnerable position. But, hey....who cares? Even if you don't mean it, say it.

*The other person in this case isn't anyone in particular, I'm just waxing...

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