Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Here at last.

Well, we made it. On Sunday afternoon, we rolled into Eugene. It was bright and sunny and about 93 degrees.  We must have brought the NC weather with us. So far, I am loving it here. I'm like "Dude, why didn't you move here years ago?", and then I'm like "Oh yeah, I was dumb." Some people are like "Wait until the rain starts...". So, OK, that might be bad. We'll see...

Our stuff got here yesterday.  With only a few broken dishes, I think we did pretty well.  Unpack.

Our new place

Blaine street!

Our awesome porch

Guest room: YOU could be sleeping here!

My amazing lunch from yesterday

Sanipac! In Eugene, you have to pay for your trash and recycling service. Notice all of the different containers for different type of waste. Small green on the left: trash (to be picked up every other week), grey: yard waste, big blue: co-mingled recycling, little blue: glass recycling. Pretty cool.

Now we unpack, do crazy errands, open new bank accounts, register our cars, and oh yeah, get ready for school. And, zounds!  Hood to Coast is next weekend!! In case, I haven't mentioned it, Jason and I were crazy/awesome/bad/good decisiony enough to sign up for the Hood to Coast relay race many months back.  We figured that we'd be here, and why not?! Plus, it's one of the most famous and hard to get into relay races in the country: what an opportunity! So now, next weekend, we will traverse Oregon (198 miles from Mt. Hood to the coast) in a van and running, with 10 other people.  Basically, 198 miles divided by 12 team members in 24 hours.  It's going to be intense. I have legs 4, 16, and 24- 7 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles.  I hope I don't die. Or turn into a crazy person from lack of sleep. Why would anyone do this, you ask? Well, much like the marathon, running relay races is another masochistic way that runners enjoy camaraderie, scenery, and that good old fashioned feeling of accomplishment.  As if the high from moving was not enough...

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