I was surprised considering the fact that a large part of the yogic journey is about humanitarianism and selflessness. Once I overcame my initial shock at hearing this, I was delighted! I mean, I've been secretly singing the song of primary self-preservation for years. Always wondering if being an only child had turned me into a selfish asshole. But it really makes sense. I began to think about how much of the yogic journey is about the self. In order to become one with the SELF, one must know the self. And to know the self, one must first propagate a healthy self. Cultivating a healthy self isn't just about doing your treating your body as a temple through yoga practice, meditating and eating well; it is also about honoring yourself psychologically. Only then, can you truly begin to give of yourself unto others. To be a good person, you must be good to yourself.
The yoga sutras reinforce this idea in the mention of the first yama, Ahimsa, which is non-harming. Non harming of the self primarily, and then non harming of others.
Before you can give to others, you must take care of yourself. Otherwise you will be an empty shell only to eventually fill with resentment and umbrage.
So, remember: Make sure YOUR oxygen mask is securely affixed before helping other passengers and children
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