Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm going!

It's official!

Preparations are under way for me to travel to Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles this fall. For the time being I've found a way to make that AND school happen. How will you do that, you ask?

Well, the training is from September 15-November 17, right in the middle of the Fall term at school, but a kind and creative professor has so graciously agreed to sponsor a reading for me for class credit. I'll read some stuff, and then do a final project which will incorporate some of the key learnings from the readings and my training. This is super exciting because I've been thinking if I do decide to squeeze out some research, write a dissertation, and finish this PhD monster, I will most definitely be incorporating my passion for yoga into it. Currently, I've been thinking about yoga for teachers...just a taste of my brain ramblings for you.


  1. So i'm totally out of the loop but have been seeing lots of pics of you related to teacher training, etc. ANyways I just wanted to say congrats! I think that this is awesome and great!!!
