Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Doin' it and Did it

Well, we did it! Chloe's first marathon and my fifth.

It was a rough day for me, and I am starting to wonder if I am meant to ever run faster than 4:50. This time around all my training was there. I had been doing long runs much faster than usual with Chloe,  and I even had been going to weekly speed groups to work on my fastness. All the stars seemed aligned for a 4:30 marathon.
However, my food stuff seemed to be off this time. I woke up with an off stomach, and I couldn't make myself eat any shot blocks or gu or anything else during the race. It all just seemed so gross to me. So around mile 16 when I ran out of fuel, I ran out of steam. I had to stop and stretch a few times after that around mile 21, and that threw my time was off too. Oh well... There's always next time. I have high hopes of doing a marathon in every state, so there's plenty of time for PR's and 4:30s and 4:20 and maybe even better. Just gotta keep going...

Chloe did great! She blasted it and came in under 4 hours! Yay!

Before the race...nervous...

myriad goos

Beeeekah! She braved traffic and people and came down to support!
PS- the only bad thing about LA is the awful traffic. 

Post race

Bekah and I out for a post race snack & wine


cheers...I love LA!


What Nate and Jason did all weekend


  1. Hey! I seem to recall a LOT of race support...

  2. Nice job Blaine! I love how both Nate and Jason have open mouths playing table tennis. Good times.
