Friday, January 25, 2013

The faster you go, the more likely you are to injure yourself

This is not a maxim that most runners would hold themselves to, and in fact I believe it may be some sort of runner sacrilege to speak of not going as fast and hard as you possibly can. However, I am not a person who has ever believed that going fast, hard, or all out is the way to do things. But sometimes, it just has to be so.

This is a metaphor for life, people. Case in point as to why I have blogged in a week's time. We had some very special friends in town and did some fun things. This also involved me getting very behind in my studies, for which I am paying now. HARD.

Some highlights from our fun week:

Samples of yummy beer

We force Alex to eat a doughnut literally the size of hr head

And Kurt too

An Inversion! If you don't know, and inversion is when the clouds go to the bottom and the sun goes to the top. It makes life very foggy. But if you hike up very high, you can see the sun.

We are above the clouds

Kurt makes friends with the baby boy

I get a warm jacket

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