Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas Traditions

Christmas traditions new and old are what make Christmas Christmas. Though we tried to mobilize many of our traditions during our Christmases spent in Oregon, I must admit that this year feels more like Christmas than the past few. It feels amazing to be Christmasing in NC, specifically in Carrboro, this year.

Here's a new tradition...walking to get our tree.
A hand delivered tree courtesy of husband
A New and Old tradition- putting this scarf on as many animals and people as possible in myriad funny ways.
Old Tradition- Edie smooches
Old Tradition: decorate the tree with Cold Mountain Winter Ale from Highland Brewery and listen to Sufjan Stevens' Christmas CD. Usually, I decorate and Jason makes peanut gallery comments
Newish tradition: making ornaments out of pictures and random pieces of cardboard. Since our movers lost all of our Christmas ornaments in our move to Oregon 3 years ago, we've had to slowly collect/make new ones.

Kisses in front of the tree, an oldie but a goodie Christmas tradition

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Husband

You guys, Jason is back in NC!


Here we are having an awesome belated anniversary dinner at Lantern:

And here we are getting our couch on:

Life is good.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Coloring Books for Adults

Crayola has come out with a new line of coloring books for adults. I love to color and I want them all!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Book Character Day

AKA: how to let kids wear costumes to school at Halloween without allowing them to dress like scary things...

I'm the very ugly bug!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Post 1,000

This is my 1,000th post on my blog!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Great Food Critic

Have you ever wondered what a NC Marriage and Family Therspist license tastes like?

Well, this guy can tell you...

Mostly, it just tastes like paper.*

*For those of you reading this who suffer from anxiety- have no fear, a new license is on the way!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Kids Just Know

We have a cat at school that sits outside the door like this every day at the same time. 

I asked my students what we should name him, to which they replied "Jimmy"!  

Well, OK, then. 

That's the perfect name for this cat.

Friday, October 23, 2015


For when elementary schoolers cough, sneeze, hug, and touch you all day every day. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


I mean, we're basically the same person.

Wise words on Contentment

"If you try to pursue happiness, you will miss it because the search for happiness will cause discontent. Searching is bound to create turbulence within. A turbulent mind is an unhappy mind. Your search for happiness is always in the future, it is never in the present. The future is outside; the present is within. Bliss awaits you within." -Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Running Career Back on Track

You can't imagine how good it feels to run a half marathon in your hometown on a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning in October after you haven't done a race in over year, especially after you only ran 8.8 miles for your longest training run.

It feels pretty great.

This was such a spectacular race. I might even say best half marathon ever. Not only was it fun and lovely and all that, but it was extremely well organized. I'd definitely do it again. Maybe I'll even make it an annual thing.

Lucky Number 1108
About to cross the finish line with Lena
Clock time 2:24:21, Chip Time 2:21:03

We did it!

Yay! I'm back!

Next up, an old favorite: The Gallop N' Gorge 8k for Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

I love this guy

Just watch them all right now.

Preferably while drinking a giant glass of wine.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


The only way I see my husband these days.

My jokes aren't as funny via Facetime.

I'd like to think this is what Jay-Z and Beyonce do when B is on tour.

So, yeah, it's pretty much like I'm Beyonce.

Friday, October 9, 2015


Or "the place where we used to get drunk on cheap beer in college and then again in grad school".

It's still very much the same.

It us us who are different because now we drink cheap wine instead of cheap beer and get called "mam".

We're so mature.

And this guy comes along:
Love them.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

You know you're an adult when...

you prefer dark chocolate M&Ms to the regular kind.

But I still only eat the green ones

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Just passing through

I love having visitors! It gives me the opportunity to utilize our guest room, lay out clean towels, and go out on a school night showing the things to show.

Last weekend, I got the opportunity to host these lil' ladies who were passing through NC on their cross country road trip from Oregon.  They are 24 and shiny...just wee babes trying to figure out what to do with their lives. Hearing about their trip reminds me of the Trinity road trip that Bekah and Carrie and I took all so long ago...

These lil' sunflowers
And speaking of Bekah...Thursday I get to host her and her manfriend as they make their way to Bekah's bro's wedding.
Cheers, guys! Cant wait to see you!
Yay for passing through and crashing on our guest bed!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I Never Learn...Or Do I?

When will I ever learn that extremism in any form is just no good? I've mentioned this several times before, most recently when I tried to do a juice cleanse this summer and felt like shit.
Well, this time I got it in my head that I would try to be paleo.

See here. Extremism at it best.
Basically, if you are Paleo you can only eat meat and vegetables. No grains, no alcohol, no sugar, no legumes. Not even rice, you guys.  My plan was to try this way of eating hardcore (i.e.- super strict for real real) for a month, and then return to a more balanced way of approaching food. Well, today is would-be Day 30 and  I can tell you that this whole thing barely lasted a week. I was drinking wine by Day 3, eating rice by Day 10, and I even ate a mini Twix on a particularly stressful day last week circa Day 25.  Normally I am a very healthy eater with the occasional indulgence of a biscuit, a cookie or some mac and cheese, so why would I do this to myself? Maybe it is the thrill of trying to do a new thing. Maybe I like to think I can impose some rigidity in my life. Maybe I like the feeling of breaking the rules, once I stop doing the rigid thing. Or maybe I'm supposed to keep falling off of the metaphorical wagon, so that I eventually learn the lesson that we don't need to be on wagons in the first place.

Like I said, I just never learn. It might even take 2 or 3 more fad "healthy" diet trends for me to remember that I learned this or never learned it. However, I'd like to suppose  that the "not learning" is really a part of the learning process. Trying new things, liking them or not liking them; it's a part of the journey to balance, moderation, and eventually contentment.

We live in a society that promotes extremism in myriad ways: in our jobs, in our play time, in our entertainment, and especially in our consumer habits. We're encouraged to go hard in almost everything that we do. What if instead we were encouraged to cultivate balance?


Today there are 2 things about which to say "yay":

1) The sun is back! See, you can see it right over those trees there. Carrboro has the best view. After over a week of Juaquin torturing us with PNW like rain, I'm ready to see he sun and its here!

2) More importantly, Jason is an officially licensed LMFT in the state of NC! Yay! Now he just needs to get here. Like, now.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Aye aye

Oh dear, I've done it again. That thing where I get really busy and don't blog for a while even though there's plenty of things to blog about and not blogging makes the not blogging even more of a big deal. And now I've blogged about not blogging which then draws attention to the not blogging. So there. Now I've blogged.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The firsts

It's hard to decide whether you like your new home when you move into it. At first everything is very strange. The rooms, the refrigerator, the shower, and even the light switches are just all wrong. Or maybe not wrong, but different. However,  once you hit a few milestones and do all the "firsts", the new place begins to feel like home.

First glass of water.
First shower.
First night.
First time filling up the fridge with groceries.
First time cooking a meal.
First time watching a show on the couch.
First time blogging from your living room.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Back Home

I've been back home in NC for a week now. Despite the facts that I'm not actually settled in our house yet, I've  been extremely busy, I'm starting a new job at a new school, and I've hardly had time to tell up from down it still feels 100% g-r-e-a-t to be home.

Here's the sunset from the Durham Bulls game on Friday night to prove it:

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The last time I dr(o)(i)ve across the United States

This guy is a delight in the car

The Open Road

What a good freind!

Yes, dogs, this is the last time. We promise...

Utaaaaahhhh...Still my favorite state to drive through

I mean, really. I took this photo outside of a sketchy gas station/casino and it's still beautiful.

Lovely sunset on Salt Lake

Home. The first beautiful thing after Utah.
