Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Made a lot, did a lot, ate a lot, and somehow all I have to show for it is this picture of the not yet filled chocolate peanut butter cups that I made:

And this self indulgent winter selfie (btw, is the self-indulgence already implied in the term "selfie"?):

So because I am dumb and took no pictures, you'll have to take my word for it. There was trail running, coffee, friends, rain, wet dog, ukulele playing, mac and cheese making, wine drinking, dog walking, more rain, talking, gratitude, two kinds of turkey, beer drinking, lounging, food coma, vegan chocolate mousse, friends' families, gravey, fun-poking, family face-timing and skyping, and a whole lotta missing of this place:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Reel Musical Treat

Jason and I cover Mason Jennings' Memphis Tennessee on ukulele

Saturday, November 22, 2014


are not
could be pants.

There was a time in my life not too long ago during which I had a firm stance on the whole "leggings are not pants" issue.  I had seen just about one too many young girls flashing their undies through a poor quality see-through legging a la exhibit A.

I can't believe I am about to say this (perhaps it is the fact that I am a yoga teacher, or maybe just because I always want to be comfy this climate) but I've changed my opinion on this topic.  Drumroll please...

Leggings can sometimes be pants. But only when adhering to this set of rules:

1) Said leggings must be of the thick material variety.
2) Wearer of said leggings must wear a shirt, sweater, or jacket that at least covers 1/2 or more of the wearer's bum.
3) Said leggings must be part of an ensemble conveying a message such as, but not limited to,  "I am going to yoga", "I am going on a run", "I woke up like this", "I stayed up all night studying",  or "I work at a leggings store".

See exhibit B

exhibit B

And there you have it folks, the new stance on leggings as pants. Have a field day!

Friday, November 21, 2014


After a year of monthly payments and teaching Bikram yoga sans certificate, I'm official!
Also November 17th was my one year anniversary of Bikram Yoga teacher training graduation AND November 20th was my 1 year Bikram Yoga teachiversary. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I've been re-reading a great yoga book lately:

Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness
By Erich Schiffman (1996)

My favorite longtime yoga teacher, Ti, read this book to us during class over the course of a year. It's a great yoga philosophy book. One to savor. One to read again and again.

I'm rereading it now through a new lens, finding old and new nuggets of wisdom.

Here's one from today's read:

Stillness is not the absence or negation of energy, life, or movement. Stillness is dynamic. It is unconflicted movement, life in harmony with itself, skill in action. It can be experienced whenever there is total, uninhibited, unconflicted participation in the moment you are in--when you are wholeheartedly present with whatever you are doing. (p. 3)

Chew on that, ya'll.

Monday, November 17, 2014

To be or not to be?

That is as in to be 45 degrees and raining or to be 35 degrees and sunny? Always choose 35 and sunny. Trust me.

In other great news, today was my second run on healed/healing broken toe. Hurts, but I ran!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

To be funny

There are some basic cultural differences between the East coast and the West coast. Of course, there are the obvious ones like the laid back attitudes vs. more direct, aggressive ones or that sprawling feeling vs. the crowded one. There are also other less palpable differences that one could only understand having lived in both places.
For me, the most stark difference between the East coast and the West coast is the sense of humor. Basically ya'll, I'm not funny here.  I've always considered myself to be a "funny" person, not comedian funny or anything, but funny enough that I bring a laugh to those close to me. Here though, I am not a funny person. No one laughs at my jokes. In fact, most jokes that I crack are received in absolute silence followed by distant sound of crickets chirping. What's up with that?

Aside from the fact that this has completely messed with my sense of self, it also has me very interested in this East coast/West coast cultural dichotomy. Like, what is it about my humor that is lost here? And what is it about the East coast, or more specifically my home, that better equips people to find the humor in my jokes? And on a larger scale, what does this mean about people in general?

Deep thoughts...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Smith Rock, Oregon

Smith Rock is a natural wonder of the Oregon world. Massive, yet small, unique, geological enigma---something about lava cooling and rocks shifting---it's beautiful.

Jason and I visited on Sunday. Even with a broken toe in the process of healing, I managed to get out and enjoy the beauty a bit.

Monday, November 10, 2014

6th Anniversary

November 8 marks 6 years married to this guy. Raise a glass (preferably one of our original wedding pint glasses if you were lucky enough to get one) and make a toast to love!

Friday, November 7, 2014

My girl

If it's wrong to love an animal this much, then I don't want to be right.