Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fun on the Coast

One of my favorite things to do in Oregon is to day trip to the coast. It is a very different type of coast than that of NC. There is no swimming, no people, and no Britt's donuts.  No anything really... but it's always a good time nonetheless. 

Like many places in Oregon, it is a hodgepodge of climates, terrains, and natural features. It's kind of like you're in the middle of the desert... with an evergreen to the ocean... on another planet.

The nature, quiet, and proximity to the ocean is always revitalizing.  Here are some pictures from our little day hike on the Tahkenitch Creek Trail near the Oregon Dunes (I think that's what it's called...I'm just going to always call it the Takahootchie Trail because that just sounds better to me).

Jason making his way up a little hill

Crossing a creek. The water was cold!
To the top
King of the dune mountain
Now my turn

So many shells on the beach. This one looks like a butterfly.
Lots of driftwood too. Jason has a moment on this log.
Getting in touch with his inner Pisces
Getting in touch with my inner Cancerian Crab. I'm remembering lately just how much I love the ocean. 
Balancing Stick on a stick

Looking to the South

A throne of driftwood

Standing Separate Leg Stretching pose on a bridge, because why not?

Not pictured: A really cool sand dollar that Jason found and possibly the best breakfast burrito that I've ever had

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