Surely, you've seen/heard about the dress color debate, also known as "dressgate". If you haven't, just google "the dress" and you will immediately become privy to what I think is the most ridiculous debate/phenomena of our the modern times.
Maybe it's because I'm reading Station Eleven, a book detailing the end of days from a multitude of characters' perspectives, but I can't help but think that the inundation of the Internet and subsequently our thoughts with this dress debate is a sure sign of the impending end of civilization as we know it.
Now, I don't claim to think that me talking about talking about the dress is any better than talking about the dress. Surely, I am just as bad as the rest of them, maybe worse, seeing as how I'm taking up more space on the Internet just writing about how we're talking about it. I'm also not going to lie and say that I haven't wondered what color the damn thing actually is, because seriously, what color is it?!?
But come on people/Internet/Blaine, it's just a dress. And it's not even that cute.
White and gold.