Thursday, October 16, 2014

"Love Pizza"

We've been making what we call "Love Pizza" for quite a long time. We originally acquired our dough recipe from Brooke and Ryan at Cup a Joe in Hillsborough and have been riffing off it ever since 2009. "Love Pizza" takes many forms including pesto, spinach, olives, Mexican, pepperoni, and veggies. It's not about what you put on it, but the love you put in it. And the more love, the better it tastes. 

Last night we did a new take on an old favorite and incorporated chicken apple sausage, pesto, spinach, and mozzerella. It was damn good. I suggest you all try it. Making homemade pizza is way easier than you might think and much cheaper than going out or ordering in. All you need is flour, salt, yeast, your favorite toppings, and love of course!

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