Thursday, July 4, 2013


In exactly a week, it will be July 11, my birthday and favorite day of the year! I suspect that "favorite day" stuff will soon go away, as I hear that the older you get the more you like to pretend that your birthday never happened.

I'll be 31 this year, which officially means I'm no spring chicken anymore. This is reason for my new vow to myself: I'm going to smile more. I think I smile a fair amount already, but there's also those very confused or concentrated faces that I make too. Or the "I'm looking at my phone very intensely" face. The faces that I make are slowly etching lines into my face, so why not smile, all-the-time-ridiculous-style?
So when I'm old and gray I can look like this

You can tell that this woman has had a happy life. Her wrinkles tell the tale of many laughs.
We all get wrinkles, so get the good ones. Not to mention, we all take things way too seriously anyway, and need to smile more regardless of our age or wrinkle status.


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