Dare I say it publicly, lest it become more real?
Yes, I do and I will and I am because saying it, shaming it and living it make it real and when its real it is easier to conquer. So here goes:
I am having some serious mental roadblocks when it come to running lately. Like, I just don't want to. Last week, I had that terrible 15 mile run, and ever since I've been unable to force myself to want to run. Of course, I've still been running otherwise I would turn into a piece of bacon or a chocolate milk stout (mmmm....stout...), but I haven't been loving it. I've been begrudging it. Mad at it. And, in a serious mental funk.
But then, today, came these guys:
The New Balance 110 Trail Runner
My wonderful husband picked up a pair of these for me (yes, bought them for me; and let me just tell you how good it feels to buy into the stereotype of men buying women little pressies every now and then...yes). These shoes are light and quick and as Jason put it "make you feel like a trail ninja".
Now, I'm not saying that my running doldrums are cured...yet. But I am saying that I am two steps closer to getting there via public confession and sweet new shoes.