Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year in Review Part 3

Ah, the summer! My favorite time of year.

Our summer was marked by much freedom, friends visiting, camping trips, The Hood the Coast Relay Race, another trip to NC, floating, drinking wine, my awesome birthday, and all around general warmth and goodness. Like I said, my favorite time of year!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Year in Review Part 2

April, May, and June are also hard months in Eugene especially if you're from NC where springs begins promptly in April or sometimes even as early as March. On the contrary, you're lucky if spring begins in Eugene by June 1.
Lucky for us, we had lots of trips planned for these tricky months: London in April, NC in June, and once things did finally warm up here in late June we were prepared to fully enjoy Oregon in all it's sunny, summertime glory. If I've never said this before Oregon in the summer is something that cannot be rivaled.
Big decisions were also being made during spring. I decided to attend Bikram yoga teacher training in the fall. After much rumination and deliberation, I just said to myself "do it!" And I did. I applied, got in, and then proceeded to enjoy the rest of my summer.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2013 Year in Review

It's December 28, and I figured I better get crackin' at thinking about the new year. 2014 is just around the corner and I need to be ready. I have resolutions to resolve, old acquaintances to forget (or not forget) and 2013 reflections to reflect.

Part 1: January- March

Today, I'll start by looking back at early 2013. January through March were cold, grey months in Eugene. Honestly, I don't remember much eventful from those months aside from struggling through a PhD program with scorn, drinking beer, running, and eating soup. We did manage to get out and about for a few little trips and I may have seen sunlight a few times.

A few highlights included:

Cross country skiing for the first time
Running the LA marathon
Trips to the Oregon coast
And Jason's birthday.

Regardless, these months served me well by providing much to think on. Great things were underway for 2013, though it was off to a slow start.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Saddest day ever...

Gloomy, gray, foggy, day after Christmas.

Guess I'll just sit here at the green light...

Monday, December 16, 2013

In the Woods

A little hike to get the dogs out
Snow's gone
Clouds are out
Green is in

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Me and Boss (or Boss and I)

Here's my official graduation photo from Teacher Training. 

Feels good to have accomplished this! I strangely miss it.

My photo turned out pretty good considering that 315 of these were snapped.
There are some with some pretty funny faces.

Monday, December 9, 2013

I Love My Name

When I was little, I always wanted to be a Stephanie or a Jennifer. I couldn't understand why I couldn't just have a "normal" name. Now, I love my name. Just look at it!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Day

It's not quite the same as when you're a school teacher, but it's still pretty fun.

Up at 6:30 am to teach the early bird class and my awesome hubby drove me there and took class.

Our street

A little snow walk

Cool truck

Winter wonderland!!