Sunday, September 29, 2013

Another great weekend!

Week 2 of teacher training was pretty good. I'm getting into the routine and our classes have seemed much more manageable.

Friday Jason came to visit! He and Nate drove Little Car down from Eugene. So, now I have my car and this weekend I had my husband! We spent some QT together, hung with Bekah, and went to Chloe's sister's wedding reception all in a matter of about 36 hours. I'd say it was a productive weekend.

Bekah and Jason and Tacos

Reunited and it feels so good

Yoga laundry

taste the rainbow...of sweaty yoga garb

Yummy coffee in Silverlake



Apple Pie Ice Cream on a Coconut Almond Cookie from CoolHaus

Just a little hike to see the Hollywood sign


On top of the world

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A package!

My mom sent me this package of treats to help me survive. It's full of nuts, chocolate, oatmeal, and my favorite: Moroccan Oil Shampoo for my dehydrated tresses.

Thanks, Mama!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Some Stats

One of the trainees made these.

In case you were wondering.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My System

In addition to taking 2 Bikram classes a day and attending posture clinics and lectures, I also have to memorize the dialogue for the 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises that is "Bikram yoga".

It's 47 pages long.

Currently, I'm on posture #16 (cobra pose) on page 32. I'd say I'm doing pretty well thanks to my little system which is not very scientific at all.

It goes like this:

Read it
Say it
Write it
Say it
Write it again
Say it
Type it
Say it
Say it
Say it

We must all look like a bunch of crazy people going around muttering to ourselves.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Getting out of Dodge

A big thanks to my soul sister Bekah for picking us up today, driving us in a car, taking us to breakfast and the beach. I feel like almost a normal person. And by "almost a normal person" I mean that it all starts over again tomorrow. Back to the Bikram bubble! (Is it any coincidence that the auto-correct tried to change "bubble" to "bible"?)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Surviving Week 1

Wow.  I just went back and reread my last post and I must have been in some kind of daze when I wrote it. What was I even saying? That just goes to show you what a wild ride this week has been.
The first day was very exciting. We were all buzzing around waiting to get hard core, waiting to meet Bikram, waiting to get going with our yoga.
Day 2 and 3 were a blur. Day 2 was our first day of having double classes, one at 8:00 am and one at 5:00 pm. The hot room was HOT. Never have I ever experienced classes this hot before. Like I said, it was very humbling. I've always been pretty confident in my practice; a part of the upper tier of people in class. But here, I am just like everyone else: struggling.

Here we are after our first day of doubles.
Kat is very cute and I clearly can't look in the proper direction of the camera.

Thursday and Friday were much better. Thursday, Kat and I recited our dialogue for half moon pose for Bikram. We both got great feedback. He told me that he could tell that I was actually teaching and connecting with my students. Kat got "piece of cake!" and "wonderful". This was followed by a promise that Bikram would come and visit us when we teach. Thursday night we watched some old TV shows in which Bikram had been interviewed: The Merv Griffin Show, The Tonight Show, Celebrity Lifestyle, The New Age Connection, etc... Bikram was apparently huge in the 70's and 80's as yogi to the stars. I think I knew this, but had forgotten. He's trained thousdands of celecrities and professional athletes over the years including Shirley McLaine, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen, Juliet Proust, Andy Griffith, John McEnroe, Dan Marino, Jennifer Aniston, Beyonce,  Richard Nixon, and countless others. You may be able to find some of these TV clips if you "google" them, and you should because they are hilarious. There's one interview in which Charlie Sheen discusses how he loves how much Bikram kicks his ass and doesn't give him special treatment because he's a celebrity.
I've had several classes with Bikram so far, and I can totally see how he has become so famous. He's charismatic, hilarious, and very good at reading people; kind of like a used car salesman yogi. You can also tell that he really cares about the yoga and the students. He's smart, too. He's blended Eastern culture yoga with Western culture style and attitude. That's why he is so successful. Well, that and the fact that the yoga works.

You might be wondering if I have drinketh of the Kool-Aid.
Not yet, but I might...

I am currently basking in the glory of my almost day off. By "almost day off" I mean that I had to take a yoga class this morning, but that was all. Class this morning was great. I am finally beginning to remember why I came and here and why I love yoga. My body is beginning to adjust!
We are officially free until Monday morning at 8:00. I am so grateful to have a little time. I spent the afternoon studying my dialogue. Going to sleep nice and early is definitely on the schedule. My body is worked and needs to rest to let the affects of all the yoga set in.
Tomorrow, I plan to get out and spend a little time with Bekah. Can't wait!

Studying by the pool: a staple activity at Teacher Training.
Check out this tiny little dialogue I purchased here. It's laminated and tiny!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sweat on me on mats on sweat on me

Two yoga classes a day is rough. It's physically and mentally demanding. The heat is intense.
I've never been one to sit out a posture during class and it seems that now I am beginning to make a habit of it. Apparently, that's very normal. It's also very humbling.

I'm sweating a lot! It seems as though i am never dry. Here, you're always wet either from a shower or drenched in your own sweat or some mixture of the two.

It's starting to sink in that I will be living this way for the next 9 weeks. This first week is a big adjustment to a way of living. It's a ride, a journey, a process.

I'm considering these words of inspiration:

Your biggest fear is not that you are inadequate, but that you have powers beyond your own comprehension.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My first day

Yesterday was my first day of training. We only had one yoga class and one lecture because they're easing us into it a bit. There are many people here from all over the world and some people are quite jet lagged. I'm reminded of going to London this past April for Carrie's wedding and how incapacitating the jet lag can feel: like you literally stayed up all night drinking. So, it's probably smart and kind to give those folks some time to adjust.

There are 313 of us here. It's pretty crazy to look around the hotel and see it crawling with Bikram yogis. Our yoga room (or torture chamber as the man refers to it) is a giant hotel ballroom that's been converted to a hot yoga room. So during savasana you can gaze up at a gigantic chandelier dangling from the ceiling and wonder if it will fall on you.

That would probably disturb one's peace just a little bit.

Just a little blogging disclaimer: I signed a waiver that says I will not communicate on social media (blogs, Facebook, Instagram, etc...) in too much detail about the training. This is to preserve the integrity of information given in the training and for the confidentiality of teachers and other trainees. So with that said, I'm going to keep my blogging minimal and limited to my own experiences and general details about what I'm doing.
Most likely I'll be doing one of 5 things at any given time:
1) yoga class
2) lecture
3) studying postures
4) showering
5) eating

Sunday, September 15, 2013

And we're off!

And by "we", I mean "me".

Off to LA.

Man, am I going to miss these guys:

2 months is quite a while.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Like Petey Pablo said...

North Carolina, come on and raise up!

Before I sojourn to Bikram Yoga Teacher Training for 2 months, Jason and I are living it up in good ol' NC.

First, we spent a couple of days down at the lake:
Lake life involves chilling with the good friends and family.

Chris picks Jason's nose...That's what friends are for

Dan discovers a new bottle opening method. Thanks, Dan

Jess and Bryce


Floating with the LeClairs

Cutting loose before I don't drink beer for the next 2 months

Then, we headed to the LeClair farm where the LeClair's have, yes, a real farm complete with pigs, horses, chickens, a sheep, and a baby goat!

Baby goats are cute, as are bellies with babies in them. Krista is expecting baby # 2 if you can't tell.

We spent a little time with Mama Barbee, enjoying the new pizza Durham has to offer:

Can't tell if we look alike or not?

And now, the real reason we came here. Matthew and Rachel's wedding! Last night we bachelor/bachelorette galavanted:

On the left, Matthew. The man himself.

NC is somewhat of a humid beast this week. Big fans are in order.

Don't blow away, boys.

More to come on Matthew's wedding and what it feels like to be a fabulous female grooms-person.

Friday, September 6, 2013

My suitcase

It might rupture.

And, while packing I found this:

Definitely symbolic.

What to Pack for Bikram Yoga Teacher Training

It's almost here and I am in a packing vortex as we speak. Not only do I have to figure out everything I need to survive in a hotel room in LA for 2 months of Bikram yoga, but I also am packing for a week long stint in NC prior to my departure for LA (with a wedding included just for sh*ts and giggles).

I've been reading A LOT of former Bikram Yoga Teacher Trainee's blogs lately. Apparently, thats what you do: you go to teacher training and you blog about it, so people like me can come along some years later, read about it and get freaked out/prepared.

I'm slightly ahead of the trend since I've been blogging for a couple of years now, but I will join the Bikram Yoga Teacher Trainee blog world for the next couple of months. I'll blog on Santosha about my experiences in training starting September 15.

For my first Teacher Training related post, I am amassing a packing list of what to bring to Teacher Training. This list is one part things I've read on other blogs, one part things I know I need to survive for 2 months, and one part things I anticipate I might need. Surely, after being there for a couple of weeks I'll have amendments to this list. Hopefully, I'll remember to add to it. And luckily, my wonderful hubby is driving down to bring me my car at the end of week 2, so if I forget anything he can bring it along.

So for now, I give you my packing list for Bikram Yoga Teacher Training Fall 2013:

WAIT!!!!  Before you begin to pack, remember there is no green allowed at training. Apparently, Bikram believes the color green to be bad luck. If you're caught wearing green you have to do a extra yoga on your day off. 
Now that that is out of the way, you can start packing.

Yoga Stuff: 

1 Mat (I ordered one on amazon and had it shipped to Bekah, thanks B!)
Yoga Outfits (11 tops, 11 bottoms, 2  sets per day, and a few extras) 
yoga mat spray (it's gonna get stinky)
sharpie (to label my mat)
Water Bottle (40 oz. Hydroflask)

Kitchen Stuff: (since I'll be living out of a hotel room)
Electric kettle
can opener
french press
coffee cup
small jar
cinnamon (for making Chia pudding)
knife (for cutting fruits and veggies)
baby cutting board
small containers for storage 
spoon, fork, knife

Edibles: (I can buy stuff there but I sent a box of stuff to Bek, just in case)

Lara bars
Salt n' pepper cashews (best things ever and can only be purchased at the far as I know)
Sprouted Almonds
Green Plant Supplement

6-10 shirts 
dresses galore! (many for covering up before and after class)
awesome dress (for graduation)
4 pairs crop yoga pants (for posture clinics)
5-8 tank tops
2 pairs of jeans 
3 skirts
3 long-sleeve shirts 
1 light jackets
3 hoodies
2 light sweaters
2 bathing suits
3 bras
15 undies
4 pairs of socks (warm and cold mix)
cuddle clothes (warm and cold mix)
running shoes and a few running outfits (we'll see what happens with running)
cute shoes
portable clothesline for hanging wet, nasty yoga clothes

Toiletries (whatever you fancy for showering)
face lotion
body lotion
lip balm
dental hygiene things (toothbrush etc...) 
hair ties/barrettes
Gummi Vitamins
re-usuable shopping bag

School Supplies/Electronics:
charger cables for phone, laptop, ipad
moleskine notebook
pens, pencils
index cards

That'a all I got right now.
When I get there, I'll post an address of where all loving care packages can be sent...should you be so inclined to send salt n' pepper cashews, chocolates, or anything the color green for me to sneak a look at.

And now, to NC!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Camping and camping and camping, oh my!

Don't know what it is, but camping is fun!

Could it be the hammocks?
The slack lines?
Elk sightings?
The dogs?
The beers?
The hunky hubby?
The river?

Maybe it's all of the above.