Thursday, June 27, 2013

Northwest Comedy for a Southerner

A heat advisory! Seriously?!? It's not even hot, ya'll!

I'm going!

It's official!

Preparations are under way for me to travel to Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles this fall. For the time being I've found a way to make that AND school happen. How will you do that, you ask?

Well, the training is from September 15-November 17, right in the middle of the Fall term at school, but a kind and creative professor has so graciously agreed to sponsor a reading for me for class credit. I'll read some stuff, and then do a final project which will incorporate some of the key learnings from the readings and my training. This is super exciting because I've been thinking if I do decide to squeeze out some research, write a dissertation, and finish this PhD monster, I will most definitely be incorporating my passion for yoga into it. Currently, I've been thinking about yoga for teachers...just a taste of my brain ramblings for you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Forgot to mention

It's a strange phenomenon that once a person leaves the south, they suddenly desire Bojangles. He or she might spend his or her entire life ridiculing those who eat Bojangles, or ignoring the place altogether. Then, as soon as he or she exits the south for more than 6 months, the cravings set in. What it is I do not know. But, it is real, very very real.

Jason and I, among many others, are living proof. And thank goodness, in a hurried and harried trip to the airport last week, we chowed. I upon a Filet Biscuit Combo French Fries Iced Tea and Jason upon The Supreme Dinner French Fries Iced Tea.

And, yes, it was good.

Monday, June 24, 2013

And we're back

After a week and a half of straight chillin' in the 919 sunshine, warmth, and humidity, we are back and Eugene greeted us this morning with some rain, cold, and gloom.  Where are my jeans?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Such a great trip!

Jason and I just spent the last week and a half in NC. We had a great trip! We were super busy seeing friends and family, eating lots of yummy bites, trying out new places, drinking delicious wines and beers, and dreaming about a possible return to our home state.

Here are a few shots from our trip:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


We're flying on an airplane
For a week and a half
And good times

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

And sometimes we have fun

A nice little gathering Sunday night...

Turned to fowl play

Or a foreshadowing of the last Game of Thrones episode.

Monday, June 3, 2013


They got Jason too!

I can't even begin to imagine how one spends 499$ at Biglots.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Can you believe this?

On Friday morning, I went to buy coffee at my favorite spot and my card was declined. Yes, it was the end of the month and funds were tight, but not that tight. I quickly got on my online baking app (thanks iphone) and discovered that yes, I had enough money for my coffee...BUT... there had been 2 weird charges on my card the previous day:

91.57 at Sheetz
158.14 at Food Lion (in Smithfield, NC!!!!)

Someone stole my debit info! WTF?!?!

Luckily, the Oregon Community Credit Union is awesome and deactivated my card as soon as they realized that 2 charges occurred outside of Oregon, hence the declined card for my coffee.  A few annoying phone calls later, card's deactivated, new card's on the way, and the thief's charges are in dispute.  The situation was handled surprisingly well. But this leads me to believe that this type of thing must happen quite often if all of these processes are in play to make the situation-handling go smoothly. That's sad.

And, by the way, who stole my card info? I have my card, so it must have been someone who just stole the number. Gas station person? Store clerk? Some random person on the internet? And how weird/coincidental that the charges were in NC...
I probably will never know.
I also never want to use my card again. Maybe I'll go cash from here on out...