Friday, May 31, 2013

Lookee there

It's Ben Affleck getting his honorary doctorate from Brown University.
Seriously, so all I have to do is get famous and they'll just give me a degree?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bout cold as the North Pole up in here

Ok, ok. So, maybe it's not that cold. But, it's pretty cold. It's May 30, people, and I'm wearing jeans and boots and a coat. I'm in my own home right now as we speak, with a blanket wrapped around myself. What is up with that?!?

Must. Find. Silver. Lining.

...Or curl up on the couch and watch Silver Linings Playbook because it's too damn cold to leave the house...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My new favorite blog

Sorry Bekah, Jason, Jezebel, and Hairpin there's a new man in my life, and when I say man, I mean blog.

This blog is hilarious and has great recipes. I encourage all to read it.

Thug Kitchen.

Read it.

Here's just a little taste it's hilarity.

I almost forgot

I've been so wrapped up in my own lack of motivation for school work and self pity about impending life decisions that I almost forgot!

Congratulations are in order!

Jason, Derek, James, and a whole bunch of other people that I don't know ran some really beautiful trails this weekend. The dudes road-tripped down to Auburn, California to run on the infamous Western States Trail--an ultra-runner nerd's fantasy trail. They ran, comraded, and ate a lot of In-N-Out Burger. I'm very proud and in awe that the human body can even go that much.  73 miles in 3 days. Some call it crazy. Some call it a huge accomplishment. I'll let you decide.

Good Job, boys

Pretty scenic trails

Definitely a runner in a magazine, not my husband

Monday, May 27, 2013


The Beastie Boys once said "Listen all of ya'll, this is sabotage".

And that's just what we do. Why do we feel the need to sabotage a good thing? Is it like life is just too perfect that we have to just wreck it? Smash it like a perfect sandcastle.

Here's something

Maybe not very meaningful...but definitely consuming my thoughts as of late.
Short hair. I want it. I know it would not look good on me. I would probably look like a weird little boy or some kind of soccer mom. But still, I can't help but sit around and google "short hair" when I'm supposed to be doing school work. I even went so far as to download an app where you can paste hairstyle onto your face (a hilarious picture that I will share with you shortly).

 But first...
People who look hot with short hair and tempt me...a lot.

And now, me with short hair

Or maybe blonde and choppy

Or a little Carrie Mulligan action...

So, ok. I'll keep my long hair.

Can't Write...Been too many days...Too much pressure...

I get into the funk with my blog every now and then where I literally cannot think of anything meaningful to write. It haunts me because I want to blog every day or most days. Then, I begin to think fine I'll just post a funny picture of something or a boring recount of my day.

What I really think it is is that sometimes I really think that I have nothing to say. And, why clog up the internet with even more meaningless crap?  Like... blogging about how you can't blog, for example.


Blogging every day. You never said you had to blog about something challenge?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today, on all the things that I do when I should be doing work

Thanks to Bekah, I'm now obsessed with making photo grids. Thoughts of what can be captured and put into a grid consume me.

And there's so many more...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The tiniest treat!

On Wednesdays, Chloe and I torture ourselves by going to the 6:30 am Bikram yoga class. But after we get coffee and a treat!

See above the tiniest chocolate mousse in the would. He's so tiny standing next to a 12oz coffee.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Where I'm going is where I've been

Old plane boarding passes make great bookmarks and remind you where you've been and the awesome things you've done.

Monday, May 6, 2013

My Teeth!

Nowadays when you go to the dentist, they take a billion pictures of your teeth and project them onto a giant HD flat screen TV for your viewing pleasure.


What if...

We gave our daughters dolls like this

instead of dolls like this


Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Public House

I'm always happy when there's a new place in town to try:

Friday, May 3, 2013

So, that's what it is!

I never knew what this meant. I've been seeing it in various forms a lot lately.

Apparently, it was issued by the British government in the 1930s to boost morale during WWI., now I know.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Whirlwind Weekend to London

Too many fun things. Too many pictures. Too much to say.

But here are some of the remembered through a jet-lagged/drunk/hungover lens

We hate to fly.

At the spa with the bridey

In England they call it a "Hen-Do". I imagine it's because of all the sqwaking. I can't decide it I find that highly offensive or not.

Getting ready with the bridesmaids


Me and my Bekah
So pretty!

Bekah makes her move for the groom.

Our view from dinner

Fish N Chips.

Simultaneously glad to be back and not.

It was great. Loved every minute of it! Quite a whirl, indeed.