Thursday, March 28, 2013

I'm published...sort of

For a class last term, we wrote a group paper about representations of creativity in popular media. We looked at Google Images, blogs, and You Tube videos to see what kinds of representations were out there and how they might affect people and their conceptions of creativity. We submitted it for publication and its going to be published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Normally, scholarly papers don't have 10 authors, but hey! It's my first publication and thanks to my last name starting with a "B", my name will be second. I'm not sure when it will be out or who will read it, but it's exciting nonetheless.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My smoothies

Nate and Chloe gifted us their old Nutribullet, which speedily blends fun little smoothies.

Today's smoothie:

1 banana
1/4 cup kale
1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 scoop vega boost
1 tbs evening primrose/ flaxseed oil
2 tbs peanut butter
6 oz. chocolate coconut water


Monday, March 25, 2013

To the Coast

Vastly different from the NC coast, and beautiful in ways that scare.
Forrest, cliff, and beach all wrapped into one.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Doin' it and Did it

Well, we did it! Chloe's first marathon and my fifth.

It was a rough day for me, and I am starting to wonder if I am meant to ever run faster than 4:50. This time around all my training was there. I had been doing long runs much faster than usual with Chloe,  and I even had been going to weekly speed groups to work on my fastness. All the stars seemed aligned for a 4:30 marathon.
However, my food stuff seemed to be off this time. I woke up with an off stomach, and I couldn't make myself eat any shot blocks or gu or anything else during the race. It all just seemed so gross to me. So around mile 16 when I ran out of fuel, I ran out of steam. I had to stop and stretch a few times after that around mile 21, and that threw my time was off too. Oh well... There's always next time. I have high hopes of doing a marathon in every state, so there's plenty of time for PR's and 4:30s and 4:20 and maybe even better. Just gotta keep going...

Chloe did great! She blasted it and came in under 4 hours! Yay!

Before the race...nervous...

myriad goos

Beeeekah! She braved traffic and people and came down to support!
PS- the only bad thing about LA is the awful traffic. 

Post race

Bekah and I out for a post race snack & wine


cheers...I love LA!


What Nate and Jason did all weekend

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Los Angeles

My new favorite city

And tomorrow a marathon...