Saturday, July 30, 2011

And this!

If you've ever been to our house, you know that for the past few years we've had a disgusting old blanket hanging in the door frame that leads upstairs to the hot, dog poop, old clothes infested attic.

But, no more! We finally have a door, thanks to the Roberts men and their fine craftsmanship!

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

In my post 15 mile run stupor, I watched this film this morning. An overweight man with a debilitating disease goes on a 60 day juice fast that leads to a complete life change. He inspires many along the way, including me!

Watch it, y'all!
Buy a juicer!
Change your life!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things I'm beginning to like that I never thought I would

1. Morning Runs: Since it's been so hot lately, I've been forced to do many of my runs in the wee hours of the morning. Waking up has never been my forte, but once I do it and get out there, the morning run is absolutely centering and peaceful. A great way to start the day. And, when you get off of work in the evening and you're dog tired you can head straight for the cold beer and skip the excruciating hot run since you've already done it.

2. Music with a twang: I'm ironically beginning to love twangy country music. Not pop country, but powerful folk bluesy country. There is something so soulful about it! Plus, it just feels right to be twangin' out down you're doing something right.

3. Cucumbers: Seriously! I've always loved pickles but never cucumbers until lately. Just add a little salt, and it might as well be a pickle.

4. IPAs: I always thought these hoppy beers tasted like aspirin. Now, I taste layer upon layer of exotic flowers and fruits.

Things I am still trying to like but fear I never will:

1. Tube tops
2. Earrings
3. Onions
4. The smell of Old Spice
5. Whiskey

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Body Mind

As I wobbled back and forth on one foot, trying to balance in tree pose with eyes closed, I wondered Why does my foot wobble in this way, and not in another? And, what does this say about my body, how I stand, where I put my weight, where I hold tension? And what does that say about me and what's going on in my mind?

I've always been fascinated by the mind body relationship. As well as, the idea that certain problems that one has in the yoga practice have a direct translation off the mat.

This is why I want this book. Belated birthday present, anyone?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Totally hydrated

If you have not noticed, we have been in a serious heat wave. This intense heat has made me appreciate my old friend, water. I dream of water. I drink of water.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A metaphorical look at my week

I need to hit that box and get a star.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The term "douche-bag" is not a term that I like to use on a regular basis. It sounds vulgar and conjures disgusting images. But sometimes, a dude comes along who is just so perfectly defined by this term that I just can't help myself.
This happened to me this morning when I was cut off by one of these gentlemen. His behavior, affect, and copious amount of gel in his hair forced me to scream at the top of my lungs "Douche- Bag!!!!"

Now, I feel much better.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My husband

Only he would accept a "non-challenge" challenge that pictured floating stump was not floating.

Jason: Hey, look at that floating stump!
Us: Yeah, whatever, that stump is not floating.
Jason: Oh yeah? (splash...swim swim swim) See?

It was totally floating. And it had an American flag sticking out of it.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Baby Birds!!

To me, birds are one of the most boring and forgettable animals. But these, these are a-dor-a-ble!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

RIP Robert

Goodbye Carrboro King. I can't imagine Carrboro without you.

Read a mediocre tribute article here

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And as promised...

Luscious beach pictures depicting us in relaxing and beach-like form. And, some yoga on the beach pictures, too. Because, after all, this is Santosha and even people who drink Negro Modelo Especials have to pursue their contentment somehow.


See me: a coffee bean, ground up and going crazy doing my job. Well, not really a great metaphor, but that is what I see in my head. And, I need a lot of coffee to work as hard as I've been working. In other words, I am hardcore back to grind of school. Year round school is ideal in all situations except when your husband and other friends are chillin' out maxin' relaxin' summer style and you are BACK.

Ah, school.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

An abhorrence, oh yeah, and I'm 29

This abhorrence of which I speak is my lack of blogging over the past few days. My personal goal of blogging everyday has been overshadowed by beach trips, long runs, back to school doldrums and birthdays. So, I solemnly apologize to my readers (all 6 of you regulars and any other random folks who might stumble upon me) for my neglect. I hope to mollify your anger by posting some delightful beach pictures accompanied by whitty quips later today.

Until then.... An Aperitif

We are so awesome

We ate this...guineas cupcake with chocolate whiskey ganache filling and Bailey's Irish creme icing.

And last night for my 29th we attended can see by the menu that it was a delicious beer and food extravaganza!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

More wildlife


Things just got a little wilder in Hillsborough when a black bear made an appearance at our neighbor's house this afternoon. I kid you not, a real black bear!
I've never seen a bear other than at the zoo, so hearing that a black bear was moseying around our hood is like hearing that a lion or a giraffe was here!

Hillsborough gets crazier by the minute. I suppose we should make a clause in "Bunny Predictions" whereas bonus points are awarded for a correct prediction of bear sightings.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bunny Predictions

Summer in Hillsborough, NC. Smells like grass; only the giant mosquitoes are more annoying than the plethora of gnats that smack into your face as you walk, and the bunnies are everywhere!
These rabbits are so overpopulated that Jason and I invented a game in which we guess how many bunnies we will see on our dog walks. This game is called "Bunny Predictions". Before the walks each person has to guess how many bunnies we will see. Then, we count our bunny spottings as we walk our little 1 mile loop around the house. The person who gets closest to the actual number of bunnies wins. But, you can't guess over or you "bunny bust". And that is bad...very bad.

Wow. The things people do to pass time in the summer.